is For Sale.
What's up with this name, you may ask...? Probably everything!
Here are some of it's features:
Sound: Two words that run together to make one sound [pinq-quot]. This is known as a "dipthong", and it means that the name is easily pronounced. This name also has musicality in its variable sound quality, yet manages to be definitive in its brevity.
Color Recognition: "Pink" can be linked to the feminine, and thus could be used to represent a female company, website of interest to women, and/or a woman's point of view. "Pink", however, can also mean "bright" or "inclusive", and is even known as a color of luxury. This could be marketed as a concept, or as a color persuader.
The Word "Quote": This can denote "quotes given", or can be adapted for other uses, such as "to quote others".
All in all, the name PinkQuote is unusual, distinct, and easily remembered. Its use is completely open-ended.
Serious Offers Only.